We are energy! What blocks us from reaching our true potential? Maybe just "fuel quality". An airplane cannot operate at its maximum capacity with 98 gasoline, it needs kerosene, nothing but another kind of fuel!
We feel energy! What blocks us from reaching our true potential? Maybe just "fuel quality".
An airplane cannot operate at its maximum capacity with 98 gasoline, it needs kerosene, nothing but another kind of fuel!
Just a sketch with the main ideas in a rough state for later.
We feel energy in all its forms, so why can't we access it to "feed" ourselves with good energy?!
But what if there was always a solution?!
We feel energy! What blocks us from reaching our true potential? Maybe just the "quality" of the fuel. An airplane cannot operate at its maximum capacity with 98 gasoline, it needs kerosene, nothing but another kind of fuel, another kind of gasoline, a "superior" gasoline.

Florin Chilian in concert
You can only truly know something, anything, only to the extent that you can recognize it.
Somehow I found out this truth some time ago. I can't say a long time ago because, in my opinion, this concept called time does not really fit as a unit of measure with a scale much too limited by the "subjective" more or less.
But if this deep, true knowledge depends on the access to the "collective mind" or universal in order to be recognized somewhere deeper in the human being than where the "mind", the brain, functions as the first mental level of understanding of "reality"?
I think it is a possibility.
We feel energy.
We feel vibration, electricity and electromagnetism.
The human body is balanced by the energy system of the 7 main chakras and the countless others that give birth, compose and govern us. These chakras are nothing but energy vortices, energy meridians, electricity, energy in a word.
Is it just a coincidence that the geniuses in human genome research failed to produce the miracle of life in a test tube?!
Despite the fact that the fertilized cell was "fed" with absolutely all the food that the mother's body could offer, cell division invariably stopped at the 80th multiplication.
What was missing?!
Fortunately for us as a species, these "geniuses" failed to find out.
What kind of "food" can be found in the human body, food that, regardless of the sex of the bearer of the pregnancy, because they also "gave birth" to new men, can give birth to life?
With what kind of energy can we "feed" this vehicle which is for our consciousness the material human body?
In order for a vehicle, and here we can consider the human body a vehicle of consciousness, to be upgraded, we should go to the engine first, so that we can then adapt the vehicle body to the new performance and requirements of the engine, right?!
Now it is common sense to understand that we cannot take the "engine", the brain out of the body in order to walk to it and make it more efficient, and then put it back simply waiting to see where we can get with the new configuration.
Our luck and chance is the fact that our "engine" came already equipped from the "factory" with equipment, absolutely amazing configurations only that they are closed by its creators with apparently unsolvable blockages.
Maybe we only lack the keys to decode these blockages and maybe among these keys is also the quality of the fuel...
98% junk DNA?!!!...
10% we use from the brain's capacity...
Or at least that's what the honorable "researchers" tell us
21 g less we weigh at the moment of "death" regardless of race, age, weight, etc...
21 grams of soul energy, spirit, let's be real. Are these 21 grams captive in the kilograms that define our physical being in this reality?
The question is: Isn't it possible that the residual energy limitations of solid, liquid, etc. food with which we are conditioned to "feed" ourselves now at the current level of humanity's consciousness, does nothing but keep us tied to the material, to these percentages 98 % and 10%, thus conditioning the stay in 2 and 10%.
Is this solid food, biological as a material because pure energy is also biological, doesn't this food prevent us from accessing the remaining 98 and 90% of our capacities?
Isn't this the trap?
We eat and feed our biological body with solid, biological matter.
Our body ingests it, processes it and serves it to the human organism in order to function.
What kind of "quality" does this energy have?!
Isn't it just a waste type of energy, the residual resulting from the processing of biological mass and therefore a poor quality energy?!
Isn't this weak, residual energy limiting us and conditioning us to stay within these biological limits of 98 and 10 percent and not allowing us conscious access to the entirety of the 21 grams?
There is good energy and there is energy that is not good.
Well, if you turn on the TV and the outlet has 220 volts alternating current, it works very well within the limits set by the manufacturer.
However, if you supply the TV with 220 volts direct current, it is possible that it will not start at all in the best case, that is if it does not emit smoke and burns outright...
Are we as biological organisms but with energy chakras and meridians, with a whole electric body, having the electric charge on each individual cell, can we not be similar to a television or a computer in relation to the good or bad energy with which we can or reach the true potential?
For us as humans, isn't there good energy and useless energy?
You can only truly know something, anything, only to the extent that you can recognize it. Again and again…
Why can't we enter, but also the frequency, the wavelength of the universal energy of the chakras of our electric body, of the meridians that compose me in order to "feed" us, feed with that type of energy infinitely superior to the resulting residual energy from the body's processing of the biological mass we ingest?
There is also a big problem here.
If you are not mentally, vibrationally, energetically prepared for this, it is not dangerous but extremely risky and dangerous.
Now…. It is obviously a theory of mine and nothing more, but if I thought about it, it means that something, something is also possible, probably achievable.
And if there is none of this, then at least it is a topic of thought and why not research.
You can only truly know something, anything, only to the extent that you can recognize it.
I have enough experiences, "meetings", experiences, communications with perhaps everything that should not exist in this immediate reality, only that all of these had forms of physical manifestation from time dilations to immediate and effective protection of me from some entities whom I fondly called "mine" throughout my existence.
Some time ago I set out to lose - for the wrong reasons - a few tens of kg.
I didn't eat for about a month and that's how I lost around 25 kg eating only water, cigarettes and coffee.
It was extremely difficult.
I succeeded, but without being able to put this decision in its right place in me, but especially without the right reasons and without the right tools, I had no energy at all, I felt tired and dizzy.
I was rightly afraid to drive...
Huge attention deficit... I slept a lot and woke up extremely tired.
Even my sweat smelled strange, somehow for the worse...
At the beginning of 2020, in the spring, somehow managing to harmonize myself with a different reality, managing to get into a correct frequency, I was able to stay for two months without eating anything except water, cigarettes and coffee.
This time the energy levels were extremely high and I managed to do things that I had been putting off for years like physical work but not only that.
Although I stayed on a diet for about 60 days, I lost only 17 kg.
Given the mental and physical energy I had and consumed daily, my only explanation is that I was "feeding" myself from another place, with a different kind of food.
In 30 days I had lost 25 kg years ago by doing something wrong and now in 60 days I lost only 17 kg.
Now I slept a little and woke up extremely rested to start all over again with physical and mental work. In that period, I read about 50 books.
Could this be the solution for accessing the 90 and 98 percent that accompany the 21 grams in this reality?
Tuning in with other universal energies, entering into resonance with them and "feeding" the body with this good energy should be the key?!...
You can only truly know something, anything, only to the extent that you can recognize it...
I will see.
Florin Chilian May 6, 2021 Bucharest
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