luni, 15 noiembrie 2021

Florin Chilian & Grasu XXL feat. Guess Who - Domnul Destin

Nimeni nu te aşteaptă  Nu mai privi în urmă  Ți se arată drumul  Hai calcă pedala te chem în furtună Ia viața de la capăt  Tot ce-a durut sfărâmă A ta e lumea toată  Hai calcă pedala te aştept în furtună, hai

vineri, 12 noiembrie 2021

Florin Chilian - Cine minte?!

Cine minte?!
Cine minte spune cine minte curaj de-ai avea
Cine-nşală spune cine-nşală curaj de-ai avea
Gânduri vii îmi spală ochii
Unii râd că-s lacrimi
Nu sunt
Râd în barbă popii
Doamne cine-a spus că iadu-i pe pământ
Cine minte spune cine minte curaj de-ai avea
Cine-nşală spune cine-nşală curaj de-ai avea
Viața biată ață totu-i circumstanță
Spune nu-i aşa
Zâmbete trucate
Vise încuiate-n suflet undeva
Mai departe teatru joacă până altul locul îți va lua
Mai departe jocul va veni sorocul nu va mai durea
Râzi cu toată gura
Râzi să uiți de ura ce te sufoca
Râzi atunci când doare
Râzi când viața moare în inima ta
Râzi şi treci prin viață treci ca o paiață piesă-ntr-un
Râzi să uiți de tine râzi şi speri că mâine va fi mai
Joc de marionete umbre etichete
Astea nu dor
Joc absurd cu farduri luate drept stindarduri
Într-un fals decor
Cine minte spune cine minte curaj de-ai avea
Cine-nşală spune cine-nşală curaj de-ai avea

- 7 Ianuarie 1993 Bucuresti
                                                                       Muzica Florin Chilian
                                                                       Text Florin Chilian

duminică, 7 noiembrie 2021

Burzynski: The "Cancer Cure" Cover-up | Free Documentary

#Burzynski: The #Cancer Cure Cover-up
Burzynski: The Cancer Cure Cover-up is the story of a pioneering biochemist who discovered a unique and proprietary method of successfully treating most cancers. This documentary takes the audience on a near 50-year journey both Dr. Burzynski and his patients have been enduring in order to obtain FDA-approved clinical trials of Antineoplastons. Defying the face of skepticism, legal attacks from state and federal agencies, and a powerful propaganda campaign to stop Burzynski – this doctor and his patients are still going strong.

Due to the continued failed efforts of state and federal agencies in their attempts to stop Burzynski from continuing to treat patients and expand his research, special interest groups have since launched a relentless propaganda campaign against Dr. Burzynski, and his supporters and patients, in hopes  that this game-changing innovation never reach the open market.

The primary reason that the cancer industry and its regulatory agencies fear the approval of Antineoplastons is purely economical.

If Antineoplastons were FDA-approved for just one cancer type this would mean that anyone of any age diagnosed with any type of cancer could legally insist their oncologist provide them with Antineoplastons “off-label”.   Given the gentle and nontoxic nature of these medications, most people would begin to opt for Antineoplastons as a first line of defense against their cancer instead of first choosing life-threatening yet profitable chemotherapy and radiation.

Burzynski: The Cancer Cure Cover-up investigates this hidden cancer treatment and the decades of failed lawsuits the US government and FDA have pursued in order to try to silence him.